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Beyond-Brawn-2nd-EditionBeyond Drawn

Beyond-Brawn-2nd-Edition is the book I wish I could have studied when I started out in bodybuilding. I was so naive, gullible and misinformed, just like most trainees are today—even those who have been training for years. is book would have spared me all the frustration, heartache, injuries and sham advice I had to suf-fer from before finally learning what productive bodybuilding
and strength training are all about. “But this book is neither just one man’s story, nor a text for
beginners only. It is a distillation of training wisdom that works for all who apply it—and, very importantly, neither great genetics nor drug assistance are necessary.

Beyond-Brawn-2nd-Edition book is devoted to helping you to further your prog-ress to achieving your potential. It is not concerned with the achievements of others. What matters most to you (training wise, that is) is your physique, strength, health and fitness,not the exploits of others. e physique that concerns you the most is the one you see, use and think about the most—your
own. Beyond-Brawn-2nd-Edition book is dedicated to you and your physique.Stuart McRobert

Is your training working?

Do you really have some progress in muscle and might to show for your efforts over the last few months? If not, your training is not working and it is time to make major changes—time to put into practice the advice given in this book.
is book’s sole purpose is to teach you how to achieve your drug-free potential for muscle and might. It is not concerned with perpetuating myths and falsehoods, or promoting any-thing that will not help you to achieve your potential.
Out  of  necessity  this  book  does  not  promote  conventional training methods. e reason for this is very simple—most conventional training methods simply do not work well for most people.
Open your mind, set aside the ingrained traditions that have been  limiting  your  progress,  be  prepared  for  radical  if  not revolutionary  training  concepts,  apply  what  you  learn,  and then you will achieve what you crave—terrific gains in muscle and might.

But where are the photographs?

There is no shortage of photographs in the training world. But there is a shortage of training instruction that is  relevant to the training masses.Nearly pages of text are needed in this book to provide the necessary in-depth instruction. Many photographs would have made the book even larger,  and  considerably  increased  the  costs  of  production,  printing  and mailing, and thus the costs to you. Photographs are vitally important, how-ever, for teaching exercise technique, and nearly --of them are included in  a  companion  text—i.e., —which  focuses  on  correct  exercise form. Here’s what others are saying about BEYOND BRAWN

“I want to say without hesitation that Beyond-Brawn is the greatest book ever written on how to train with weights. And it is the greatest book ever written on how to while training with weights. It is the greatest—period!

-Dick Conner, veteran strength coach and 25-year-plus proprietor of the Pit, a famous no-frills gym in Indiana-

“Everyone who yearns to maximize their genetic potential for muscle and might owes it
to themselves to read, grasp and apply the training information contained in . Beyond-Brawn book is the bible of rational strength training… Page after page is jam-packed with practical real-world training information that you just cannot find any where else… Beyond-Brawn-2nd-Edition book has my highest endorsement—it is without a doubt the very best book on
strength training I have ever read.”

Kevin R. Fontaine, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

“ is an encyclopedia of information, detail upon detail, of all of the sub-
topics related to weight training… It is information upon information about how to train
properly and effectively… I obviously liked it a lot and recommend it highly.”
Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Co-founder of Iron Island Gym, New York

Beyond-Brawn is packed with what I consider real information on how to build your
body. Beyond-Brawn is book provides all the information you will ever need to develop slabs of muscle safely and effectively. It’s like having your own personal coach and mentor guiding you to
bodybuilding success. Beyond-Brawn is the definitive Encyclopedia on Bodybuilding—a
superb book that is truly very special.”

Bill Piche
Triple-bodyweight deadlifter in drug-free ACFPA competition

Beyond-Brawn is the most comprehensive, helpful and honest book on natural strength
training today. With great care and in extraordinary detail, this book covers every training-
related topic you can imagine, and without any hype or commercial messages. It will surely
help everyone who reads it and I will strongly recommend it to all of my clients.”

 Bob Whelan,  M.S., M.S., C.S.C.S.
President, Whelan Strength Training

“ Beyond-Brawn shows you in intricate detail the most productive and safe ways to train.
Beyond-Brawn is the book we all wish we had years ago. It is an absolute MUST READ.”

Richard A. Winett, Ph.D.